Monday 24 June 2013

Chickens by the Crick

Our rooster Gandalf perched himself atop a stump where he could watch over his lovely ladies while they drank and scratched by the forest crick.  I challenge anyone to find a happier flock of hens.

Monday 10 June 2013

Happy Hens Make Healthy Eggs

When Everett started his first chicken operation, it was clear that the hens enjoyed roaming freely through the forests and fields.  Allowing chickens to do what wild ones do, scratch through soil and explore new places to eat grass or insects, makes for a flock of happy hens.  And the quality of eggs from free range hens as opposed to contained hens is so apparent in the richness of the orange yolks, it heightens the flavour any egg dish. 

$4.00 a dozen available by pick up. 
[Drop off negotiable depending on location]

Stop buying the pale produce of birds that have never seen 
sunlight and treat your family to the healthiest eggs around.